Specialized Care for Preterm Infants

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At Thresiammas Eye Hospital, we recognize that the delicate eyes of preterm infants require exceptional attention and care. As the best eye hospital for preterm infants, we are dedicated to meeting their unique eye care needs, ensuring early detection and intervention for their developing eyes. Our specialized services are designed to provide the highest level of care and peace of mind to parents and families. Let's delve into the world of preterm infant eye care, understanding the treatments, procedures, and why we are your trusted choice for the best care.
Preterm infants, born before completing their full term, often face unique challenges in their eye development. One of the most common concerns is a condition known as Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), which can lead to vision problems or even blindness if not addressed promptly.

    Teatments for Preterm Infants:

  • ROP Screening: Our team of experienced ophthalmologists, including the best doctors in the field, performs regular ROP screenings. This involves examining the infant's retina to detect any signs of ROP early on.
  • Laser Therapy: In cases where ROP is detected and requires intervention, laser therapy is a common treatment. This procedure involves using a specialized laser to precisely target and seal abnormal blood vessels in the retina, preventing further damage.
  • Anti-VEGF Injections:. In some instances, anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) injections may be administered to inhibit the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the retina and reduce the risk of vision loss

Our Specialized Procedure:

  • Expert Examination:Our experienced ophthalmologists conduct thorough and gentle examinations of preterm infants' eyes, ensuring the early detection of any issues.
  • Timely Intervention: In cases where treatment is necessary, we act swiftly to prevent the progression of eye conditions, preserving the infant's vision.